Tuesday, October 11, 2011

¡Viva Guayaquil!

I got to Guayaquil just in time for their Independence Day (09-Oct) celebration.  Well, really, celebrations - concerts on the Malécon, a parade, speeches, protests - truth be told I´m not 100% on what is for independence day and what was happening because it´s Sunday and the weather´s good but it´s been a fun few days.  And yes, there were fireworks.

This Friday I set sail (figuratively - I´m taking a plane) for the Galapagos Islands.  I am positively giddy about the trip so it difficult for me to even think about anything else at this point (sorry Guayaquil).

Beautiful colonial/modern Cuenca
Cuenca really is a great place to visit - I´m seriously considering doubling back there instead of heading for the coast. While my pronunciation (or pantomiming, maybe both) has improved over the last few weeks, I think I´d benefit from some actual instruction in the Spanish language.  (Yes, it means a third pass thru the Cajas - it´s a nice park. They have llamas).  Besides, if my dad does decide to visit me in Columbia, I expect I'll be seeing their beaches.  Or at least one of the beaches for a really long time :)

Toward Vilcabamba from the hostel restaurant

I´d also have to recommend visiting Vilcabamba.  It´s a great place to hike, go horseback riding, and practice meditation - or so I´ve heard.  I spent the bulk of my time in a hammock reading or playing (sucking at) pool.  My biggest activity was walking to the village from the hostel and that was downhill.  I know exactly how dull that sounds but it was a very pleasant few days. And my first real time with other travellers.  I know we´re around but I always seem to be the only one on the bus. 

In many ways that´s a nice thing - I´m here to see Ecuador, not Europeans - but I can start to feel a bit isolated.  It´s a comfort to meet other folks that quit perfectly good jobs and left the safety and convenience of home to carry all their possessions on the their backs through unfamilar territory.  For me, every trip seems to be a bit harder - I guess because everytime I´m leaving more behind. I´m glad to be going - I love my travelling and backpacking is fun - just less glad to be leaving. 
Oh hammock! How I miss you!
 Every place I stop becomes home.

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